
AHUS Appeal handled by USAO
ALBRAppellee¹s brief
APBR Appellant¹s brief
APDO Appeal docketed
APSC Appeal in State Court
BPUS Brief prepared by USAO
CLOS Closed (use when no other event applies)
INAP Interlocutory appeal filed
MAND Mandate
MOTS Motion
NOAP Notice of appeal
OBJT Objection
ORAL Oral Arguments
ORDR Order
PSCT Appeal pending in Supreme Court
PWCR Petition for Writ of Certiorari
REBR Reply brief
REMD Remanded from Court of Appeals to District Court

ADJI Advice or instructions requested from DOJ agency
AIRF Investigation or report, advice or instructions requested from agency
ANPE Ancillary Petitions
ARGN Arraignment
BAIL Bail Review Hearing (use DTHR for the Bail Hearing)
CHPL Change of Plea
CITA Citation
CLOS Close Case (use only when no other event applies)
CMPL Complaint
CORR Correspondence
CTRI Court Trial
DGEV Notice of proposed sampling/destruction of drug evidence
DISD Discovery
DSBE Discovery begun
DSCM Discorvery completed
DSFHHearing to resolve disputed sentencing facts (under Sentencing Reform Act)
DSPO Depositions
DTHR Detention hearing
EQSR Equitable sharing request
GRJU Grand Jury
HUNG Hung Jury
INAP Interlocutory appeal
INDC Indictment
INFO Information
INTS Interrogatories sent
INTR Interrogatories received
JMPSJoint Motion - Postponement of sentencing due to dispute (under Sentencing Reform Act)
JTRI Jury trial
LCDS Last charge disposed
MIST Mistrial
MOHRMotions hearing *used for evidentiary hearings, hearings of motions to suppress, to sever, etc.)
MOTS Motions
NOAP Notice of appeal
NTBR No True Bill returned
OBJT Objection
OFJNOffenses joined
OFSV Offenses served
ORDR Order
OTHR Other-to accommodate forf. Form
OTSC Order to show cause
PRFR Prelimiary oder of forfeiture
PRLM Prelimiary hearing
PROB Probation revocation
PRSM Property seized by U.S. MarshalŐs Service
PTCF Pretrial conference
PTDR Pretrial diversion
PUBL Publication
REAS Reassigned
REFC Removal to federal court
REIN Reinstatement
REMD Remand (from the Court of Appeals to District Court)
REOF Restraining order
ROUT Rule 20 out
RULERule 5 hearing
RUTO Rule 21 IN
RUTW Eulw 20 IN
SENT Sentencing
STPPPostponement of Sentencing Due to Dispute (Under Sentencing Reform Act)
SWAR Search Warrant
TPRO Temporary restraining order
TROU Transferred
WARR Warrant