CHAP. 7           UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS' MANUAL         3-7.110




   A.  LOCAL CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS:  Each U.S. Attorney's Office has a
local caseload and debt collection management system--PROMIS, PC-USACTS,
or USACTS II. Information is used locally and is submitted to the Executive
Office for U.S. Attorneys for inclusion in the central caseload and collec-
tion management purposes, including monitoring the office's workload, making
case assignments, and responding to ad hoc inquiries concerning the of-
fice's activities. In addition, a variety of documents and local calendars
can be produced from PROMIS, PC-USACTS, and USACTS II.

Each office has a System Manager who is responsible for day-to-day
operation of the computer or word processing equipment and for assisting
docket and collection personnel. Local procedures must be established to
ensure that timely, accurate information is provided to docket personnel
and entered in the office's system. A User's Manual is provided for each
system, which details the information and data entry requirements.

By the 5th of each month, information concerning the prior months activ-
ities must be forwarded via overnight delivery to the Caseload and Collec-
tion Unit, Information Management, Executive Office for United States
Attorneys, using computer tapes (PROMIS) or cassettes (USACTS II and PC-
USACTS). Timely submission is critical because no reports can be produced
until information from all districts is received.

On a monthly basis, U.S. Attorneys are provided with summary reports on
their office's caseload and collection activities year-to-date. These
reports should be reviewed to ensure that information is being entered into
the local systems.

Information Management, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, provides
software and user support for the case management systems.

B. Central Caseload and Collections Systems: The U.S. Attorneys are
responsible for reporting their activities to the Attorney General. For
that purpose, Information Management, Executive Office for U.S. Attor-
neys, maintains a central caseload and collection management system. This
system is used to respond to numerous requests for statistical information
and to produce management reports for use within the Department of Justice.
The same information is used to produce the U.S. Attorneys' Annual Statis-
tical Report and to meet the accounting requirements for debts collected by
U.S. Attorneys.

July 1, 1992